Publication date 2013 Topics Social case work, Interviewing, Short-term counseling, Solution-focused therapy Publisher Belmont, CA : Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning Collection internetarchivebooks; printdisabled Contributor Internet Archive Language English Item Size 1.1G
xxvii, 430 p. ; 24 cm
Includes bibliographical references (p. 405-420) and index
1. From problem solving to solution building -- 2. Solution building: the basics -- 3. Skills for not knowing and leading from one step behind -- 4. Getting started: how to pay attention to what the client wants -- 5. How to amplify what clients want: the miracle question -- 6. Exploring for exceptions: building on client strengths and successes -- 7. Formulating feedback for clients -- 8. Later sessions: finding, amplifying, and measuring client progress -- 9. Interviewing in involuntary situations: children, dyads, and the mandated -- 10. Interviewing in crisis situations -- 11. Evidence base -- 12. Professional values and human diversity -- 13. Agency, group, and organizational practice -- 14. Applications -- 15. Theoretical implications
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