Employment Agreement: Definition, Top Terms to Know


An employment agreement is a written contract that establishes the terms, conditions, and obligations of employment between an employer and an employee. An employment agreement may be oral or written. The terms can be reached through a verbal contract, though it is generally best practice to reduce the terms of employment to writing. The contract outlines both parties' rights and responsibilities and serves as a framework for the employment relationship. The employment agreement normally includes several conditions, which may differ based on the job's nature and the employer's and employee's unique needs. Let’s discuss more about it in the blog below.

Essential Components of the Employment Agreement

An employment agreement normally comprises several components that explain the terms and circumstances of an employer's and employee's employment relationship. The components may differ based on the nature of the work, industry, and local legislation. It is important to consult with a lawyer to ensure that the employment agreement - whether written or verbal - complies with state and federal law applicable to the employer. However, the following are some standard components found in employment contracts:

Types of Employment Agreements

Here are some examples of employment agreements: