Plot a scatter graph and describe correlation

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  1. In this lesson, we will learn how to plot a scatter graph. We will also learn about different types of correlation in scatter graphs, and be able to correctly identify correlation patterns in scatter graphs.


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3 Questions

Calculate the mean mark from the grouped frequency table.

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Correct answer: 59.1 Calculate the mean weight from the grouped frequency table, to 1 decimal place.

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Correct answer: 72.9 Calculate the mean age from the grouped frequency table, to 1 decimal place.

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Correct answer: 24.3

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3 Questions

The scatter graph shows the scores on a Maths test and the scores on an English test. Which point represents a Maths score of 45 and an English score of 30?

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Correct answer: C

The scatter graph shows the scores on a Maths test and the scores on an English test. What does the red point represent?

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A Maths score of 30 and an English score of 30 Correct answer: A Maths score of 30 and an English score of 35 A Maths score of 30 and an English score of 35 A Maths score of 35 and an English score of 30

The scatter graph shows the scores on a Maths test and the scores on an English test. What type of correlation does the graph show?