The rental lease agreement

The rental lease agreement

Private Property Reporter | Feb 28, 2024

In South Africa, a lease agreement between a tenant and landlord can be written or verbal. Although the latter isn’t commonly practiced, there are a number of court cases that prove just how complicated and difficult it can become if an eviction is challenged, in most cases, between a landlord and tenant.

Lease agreements are legally binding documents, which can be fraught with potential pitfalls if not approached with care and diligence. In essence the law says that a lease is an agreement between a lessor (landlord) and lessee (tenant), in terms of which the lessor agrees to provide the lessee with the temporary use and enjoyment of a thing, in whole or part. The flip side is that the lessee binds himself to pay a sum of money as compensation (rent) to the lessor, for such use and enjoyment.

These agreements are governed by the Rental Housing Act of ’99, however, an Amendment which was promulgated in 2014, has yet to be implemented, with draft regulations only submitted in 2022. The proposed Amendments carry significant implications, such as it being a criminal offence if a landlord does not provide a tenant with a written lease agreement that complies with all the laws, including local regulations.

In the meantime, landlords are best advised to acquaint themselves with the draft regulations and apply those to a lease agreement, which will avoid having to re-negotiate the contract when the Amendment comes into affect.


There are many online platforms that offer a free, or sample lease agreement, and which can be adapted to individual specifications. However, there are some absolutes that must be included, aside from a description of the property, its address, and names of the two parties entering the agreement, including ID numbers. These include:

It may also be wise to include the following:

Once an agreement has been reached, both landlord and tenant must have a copy for it to be valid.

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